With the help of a £1,700 loan and £300 grant from Outset’s partner organisation The Prince’s Trust, Future-Fiziques opened for business in mid-2012, offering a range of classes from rehabilitation from injury to boxing, including free sessions for local teenagers. As the business progressed, interest in Faisel’s work – and in particular his contribution to the community – grew, culminating in a feature on ITV news.
He explains, “During the day, I work with children who have been excluded from mainstream schools, with homeless people, and with offenders who are on probation. Then in the evening I teach Martial Arts to the paying public, ensuring the club can make a profit and support itself. Our goal now is to open a new club in Taunton.”
“The equipment that Outset NEA and The Prince’s Trust funded has enabled me to make a real difference to my community and the lives of the kids I work with. Importantly, my mentor was around to advise me whenever I had difficulties. This was very helpful and lifted a huge weight from my shoulders knowing that I was not alone and that I had support if I needed it.”
If you were moved by Faisel’s story, donate now.