Faisel Ghazghazi – Future Fiziques

faisel_ghazghaziFollowing his release from prison in December 2011 Faisel Ghazghazi resolved never to return. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that securing ‘traditional’ employment would be near impossible, due to his criminal record. Believing self-employment to be the only viable career option, Faisel turned to Outset’s NEA (New Enterprise Allowance) programme. There, he was assigned a mentor to guide him through the start-up process, helping him to create an action plan to realise his ambition – to launch a club providing martial arts and fitness training.

With the help of a £1,700 loan and £300 grant from Outset’s partner organisation The Prince’s Trust, Future-Fiziques opened for business in mid-2012, offering a range of classes from rehabilitation from injury to boxing, including free sessions for local teenagers. As the business progressed, interest in Faisel’s work – and in particular his contribution to the community – grew, culminating in a feature on ITV news.

He explains, “During the day, I work with children who have been excluded from mainstream schools, with homeless people, and with offenders who are on probation. Then in the evening I teach Martial Arts to the paying public, ensuring the club can make a profit and support itself. Our goal now is to open a new club in Taunton.”

“The equipment that Outset NEA and The Prince’s Trust funded has enabled me to make a real difference to my community and the lives of the kids I work with. Importantly, my mentor was around to advise me whenever I had difficulties. This was very helpful and lifted a huge weight from my shoulders knowing that I was not alone and that I had support if I needed it.”

 If you were moved by Faisel’s story, donate now.